
Zhejiang Library scientific research work was a major breakthrough

pub:Zhejiang Library  time:2017/07/13  count:102

July 4, the National Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences announced the 2017 National Social Science Fund annual project and youth project project list, our museum 2 project approved the project. (Project approval number: 17BTQ036) by the deputy director Liu Xiaoqing reported the "library service intelligent and robot application research" (project approval number: 17BTQ036) by the annual general project project, edited by Zheng Xiuhua declared "library and social memory research" (project approval number: 17CTQ002) Young project project.

In 2017, the National Social Science Fund received 29440 valid items and 4289 projects. The average project rate was 14.6%. Among them, "Library, Information and Philology" was awarded a total of 100 projects and 50 young projects. The success of the national social science fund project is my museum in scientific research work on a major breakthrough in the national public library among the best.