
Zhejiang Library named "National Protection Center ancient training base."

pub:Zhejiang Library  time:2014/07/18  count:28

Recently, the National Protection Center ancient officially announced 12 selected "National Protection Center ancient training base" units, Zhejiang Library in them.

In recent years, Zhejiang Library (Zhejiang Province ancient Protection Center) active in ancient business training to work for the protection of ancient reserve personnel. Currently, the province has organized seven ancient census courses, two ancient foundation repair maintenance training; protection of ancient books with the National Center organized two national identification and protection of ancient Seminar, a nationwide survey of ancient courses, a National ancient repair courses. By focusing on training and attendant training and other means, the province has formed a stable of more than a hundred ancient census, the repair personnel.

Meanwhile, Zhejiang Library with Zhejiang Vocational College of Arts cooperation in running schools, the school opened in the direction of ancient cultural identification repair and restoration professionals and provides internships and employment opportunities for students.