
The northern big vice-president of school talks a finance-to the law thinking of "section currency"

pub:Zhejiang Library  time:2011/04/07  count:44

The lord speaks:Economic Chinese the method academic association president of association, University of Peking often works vice-president of school, Wu Zhi, to climb
Sponsor:Library in Zhejiang
Time:April 10, 2011(on Sunday) morning 9:00
Location:Library the second floorses in Zhejiang report hall
The text Lan learns Yuan Sina tiny Bo:http:|||2027874924

The lord speaks a brief introduction:
Wu Zhi climbs, University of Peking often works a vice-president of school, part-time Chinese method academic association pair president of association, Chinese method learn an economic method research will president of association, Chinese finance academic association pair president of association, Supreme People///s Court the expert consult a member, Ministry of Education method to learn education to guide committee pair chairman of committee and national law Master profession instruction committee pair chairman of committee etc..Particularly Zhao and the teaching material of copy chief have ?"four color axiomses"s of Hong Kong commercial bank and law ?, ? the theory ?, ? financial method of the commercial bank method ?s etc..Be also responsible for the editor publishing that manages a ?financial method Yuan ?///s magazine with ?financial legal system ? series in addition.