
Forum of masters of science fiction: when imaginations meet black holes

pub:Zhejiang Library  time:2019/04/22  count:104

April 21, 2019 14:00 Press staff and astrophiles gather in the Conference Hall of Zhejiang Library, waiting for the Dialogue on Science Fiction and Astronomy: When Imaginations Meet Black Holes.

Han Song, famous science fiction writer and winner of the Galaxy Award, the Xingyun Award for Global Chinese Science Fiction, the Award for Global Chinese Science Fiction and Art and the Jingdong Literature Award, and Gou Lijun, researcher of the National Astronomical Observatories of China under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, chief scientist of the research group on the stellar-mass black holes and professor of astronomy in the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Han Song gives a systematic introduction to the famous science fiction writers in Zhejiang in his speech Why Do We Read Science Fiction Works Today and particularly mentions the relations between Li Cixin and Hangzhou. He speaks science fiction as an art that predicts and designs the future while cautioning the human beings. Han points out that the essence of the competition between China and the United States lies in the competition of the abilities to design the new world. The Belt and Road Initiative is the best representation of science fiction. Science fictions presents us more worlds.

Minds would be opened up when imaginations meet black holes. Gou Lijun and Han Song share their ideas on topics such as can human beings travel through black holes, the world behind black holes, differences between black holes and would black holes swallow the earth. Prof. Gou Lijun also corrects plots in the film Wandering Earth that go against scientific facts and expresses the wishes that the audiences could keep the passion for science fictions throughout their life. Han also shares reflections on astronomy when writing science fiction works.

Many young audiences pose questions during the Q&A session, representing the vigor of the young generation and impressing Han Song and Gou Lijun with their knowledge base.